Why is this project important?

    Names reflect our community's identity and values. This initiative aims to address names that may no longer represent the inclusive and respectful environment we strive for in Muskoka. 

    It's about creating a sense of belonging for everyone in our community.

    What happens after a name is submitted for review?

    Submitted names will be evaluated by a committee, including community members and representatives from MAILT. This Committee will consider the historical context, community impact, and alignment with our values before making recommendations for any changes.

    If you're interested in being a part of the Renaming Evaluation Committee, please reach out to Tina Kilbourne at tina.kilbourne@muskoka.on.ca 

    Will names be changed?

    Each name will undergo a thorough review process, considering its historical significance, community impact, and alignment with our values. Only names identified as misaligned with these principles are potential candidates for change - the next steps are to be determined. Our first step, is identifying the names that currently exist. 

    What criteria will be used when reviewing the names?

    Names will be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee based on several criteria, including cultural sensitivity, historical significance, relevance to the community, and alignment with the values of respect, diversity, and inclusion. The evaluation process will also consider community feedback and insights from MAILT.

    Is there a plan to prevent inappropriate names in the future?

    Part of the 'Names with Purpose' initiative involves developing guidelines for naming public spaces in the future. 

    These guidelines will aim to prevent the use of potentially inappropriate names and ensure that future naming decisions reflect Muskoka's community's commitment to inclusion and respect.

    I have questions, who can I contact?

    We're here to help, and we'd love to hear from you. 

    Please reach out to Tina Kilbourne at tina.kilbourne@muskoka.on.ca or 705-645-2100 ext. 4330.