What is a "bin site?"

    A bin site is an unstaffed, communal “dumpster site.” These locations were established many years ago with the initial purpose of conveniently servicing households where it was not possible to provide curbside collection due to inaccessible private/seasonal roads or water access/island properties.

    Why is alternate waste collection needed? Why are bin sites a problem?

    While they were put in place many years ago to service multiple households where it was not possible to provide curbside collection, the continuing use of these bin sites is no longer appropriate. The sites have led to illegal dumping; they pose a risk to Muskoka’s environment; garbage limits are not enforceable; and commercial businesses use the sites for free disposal. Some waste disposed at the site is heavily contaminated, and results in more waste being landfilled, adding unnecessary cost to our waste program. This type of waste collection is also not approved by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP).

    Why can we no longer use these bins to dispose of waste?

    The District has direction from the MECP and District Council to replace all bin sites with more environmentally sustainable, licensed waste collection services. We are committed to working with communities to find alternate servicing that is convenient, meets all regulations, and is environmentally sustainable. Unstaffed dumpsters used by multiple households is not a legal form of waste collection and is therefore not being considered.

    Why can’t we just lock up the dumpsters as-is and give keys to the residents using them?

    Use of dumpsters by multiple properties will require an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA or a license to operate) from the MECP to be considered compliant. Under the Environmental Protection Act, there are a number of requirements for these types of waste facilities including ensuring proper land use approvals are in place (including zoning), fencing, and supervision.

    View the Guidance Manual for applying for an ECA.

    What happens if I don’t want to participate in the alternate waste collection method proposed for my area?

    All property owners in the District are welcome to use any of our existing waste facilities for waste collection. The are 14 sites located throughout the District, many with extended hours during the summer. View drop-off depot locations and hours of operation to learn more.

    Has there been a detailed costs/benefit analysis done in consideration of converting from the current bin site system to any other alternate service?

    As outlined in staff report PW-10-2021-6 referenced above in Question 5, when assessing alternate waste collection service, we consider:

    • Convenience for residents and service level
    • Potential for diversion
    • Cost-effectiveness
    • Whether it is an MECP-approved, long-term, sustainable level of servicing

    What waste services does the District offer? What do my taxes pay for? Can I get a reduction in my taxes now that the dumpsters have been removed?

    While waste collection might be the most obvious component of the waste system, most services are hidden from view but are still very important in ensuring Muskoka’s environment is protected and maintained for current and future generations.

    The costs that are included in the solid waste levy, assessed by the District, can generally be categorized into four main components:

    1. Curbside Collection (for units that can be serviced by collection vehicles)
    2. Depot/Transfer Station/Dumpster Collection (for all units in the Town)
    3. Diversion (management and processing of recycling and organics)
    4. Disposal (management, processing and disposal of garbage)

    In addition to current services, including managing the District’s only operating landfill, the District has nearly 40 closed landfill sites across all area municipalities, which require ongoing monitoring and remediation to ensure environmental compliance. These activities will continue indefinitely. The following graphic provides an at-a-glance snapshot of the broader services provided by the District:

    Where can I find more information on my waste collection service?

    You can find information on our waste management services online.

    We are also available to answer specific questions about waste collection service available for your property, or any questions you might have about curbside collection. Please send an email to waste@muskoka.on.ca or call us at 705-645-2100.

    Who can we speak with if we have concerns about the removal of dumpster bins?

    If you have questions regarding the MECP directive or you would like to apply for an ECA for a waste transfer facility, please contact the Barrie District Office at 705-739-6390.

    Delegation requests (for District Council or Committee) can be directed to the District Clerk