January 2025 Communication

Fire Compliance Update

There has been an extension granted for homes to be sprinkler compliant from January 1, 2025 to July 1, 2026 if a home is being redeveloped and will be occupied by that date. Fairvern meets these criteria. This extension and requirements for compliance make it unnecessary to complete the construction plan for the current home that was shared in the Fall. Fairvern will be making some updates to our Fire Safety Plan based on requirements and will be working with the local Fire Department to ensure compliance.

Fairvern Family Council

The Fairvern Family Council meets monthly with the purpose of enhancing the quality of life, well-being and happiness of the Residents who call Fairvern home. The Family Council functions as a cooperative and collaborative group that provides input on the Homes’ practices and decisions, by acting on shared concerns. All Family and Friends of Residents are encouraged to join the meetings.

The meetings take place virtually on ZOOM.

The next meeting is Tuesday, January 14 at 6:00 pm.

Carrie Acton is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 831 4310 6097

Passcode: 570432

Dial by your location

• +1 778 907 2071 Canada

• +1 780 666 0144 Canada

• +1 204 272 7920 Canada

• +1 438 809 7799 Canada

• +1 587 328 1099 Canada

• +1 647 374 4685 Canada

• +1 647 558 0588 Canada

Meeting ID: 831 4310 6097

Passcode: 570432

Residents Bill of Rights – continued

19. Every resident has the right to,

i. participate fully in the development, implementation, review and revision of their plan of care,

ii. give or refuse consent to any treatment, care or services for which their consent is required by law and to be informed of the consequences of giving or refusing consent,

iii. participate fully in making any decision concerning any aspect of their care, including any decision concerning their admission, discharge or transfer to or from a long-term care home and to obtain an independent opinion with regard to any of those matters, and

iv. have their personal health information within the meaning of the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 kept confidential in accordance with that Act, and to have access to their records of personal health information, including their plan of care, in accordance with that Act.

20. Every resident has a right to ongoing and safe support from their caregivers to support their physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing and their quality of life and to assistance in contacting a caregiver or other person to support their needs.

21. Every resident has the right to have any friend, family member, caregiver or other person of importance to the resident attend any meeting with the licensee or the staff of the home.

Activation Department

December was filled with many fun activities for the residents and staff. The month consisted of many Christmas Parties, great music, goat visits and many laughs. Some photos have been included of the events.

More fun is scheduled for January. Some of these are Elvis Presley music appreciation, winter science experiments, musical performers, Robbie Burns Day, spa days and crafts. Please take a look at the January calendar and feel free to come and join in the fun!

Friends of Fairvern Baking

Coming soon: Chicken Pot Pies and Buttertarts to help get us through the long cold winter. Once they’re ready for purchase, we’ll post it on our Facebook page and put posters up at the front entrance of Fairvern.

The freezer is stocked with Wild Blueberry, Peach & Apple pies at $15.00 each.

A reminder there are regular and small pies available.

**Remember all you need to do is take your choice from the freezer and if paying cash leave your money in the black cash box mounted on the wall to the right of the freezer.

**E-Transfer Payments for our baking is now possible by sending to: Friendsoffairvern1982@gmail.com

All the money raised goes towards enhancing the Residents’ lives so please think of The Friends’ baking when you’re planning your next meal or celebration.

Final Totals of Funds Raised at our Fall Fundraisers:

Meatballs & Mind Games Dinner & Show held at the Huntsville Legion in September - $11,785.55

Christmas Craft Show at the Huntsville Legion in November - $1,765.00

Thank you to all those who supported these fundraisers. All money raised goes directly to supporting the residents.

Friends of Fairvern Facebook Page

If you use Facebook, please follow, like and share our new “Friends of Fairvern” Facebook Page with your friends. This will help us to increase our public exposure.

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