Fairvern Family Portal
Welcome to our information and sharing portal for Fairvern Resident Families and Caregivers!
Please use the "Stay Informed" tool to get regular updates and to stay informed on important family news.
February 12, 2025
RE: Outbreak – RESOLVED
To Fairvern Families, Team Members and Stakeholders.
Fairvern’s outbreak was declared resolved today, February 12, 2025, by Public Health.
Mask use will continue for staff and all visitors are strongly encouraged to wear a mask when visiting. We are also reminding visitors of the importance of always completing hand hygiene and following Infection Protocols and continue to ask that if you are feeling unwell, please refrain from visiting. If you have any questions when visiting, please speak to the Registered Staff.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding throughout the outbreak and ongoing.
Carrie Acton
Welcome to our information and sharing portal for Fairvern Resident Families and Caregivers!
Please use the "Stay Informed" tool to get regular updates and to stay informed on important family news.
February 12, 2025
RE: Outbreak – RESOLVED
To Fairvern Families, Team Members and Stakeholders.
Fairvern’s outbreak was declared resolved today, February 12, 2025, by Public Health.
Mask use will continue for staff and all visitors are strongly encouraged to wear a mask when visiting. We are also reminding visitors of the importance of always completing hand hygiene and following Infection Protocols and continue to ask that if you are feeling unwell, please refrain from visiting. If you have any questions when visiting, please speak to the Registered Staff.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding throughout the outbreak and ongoing.
Carrie Acton
June 6 2024 Communication
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A new caregiver support group has been developed to create an informal and safe space for those who have loved ones who reside at Fairvern to discuss the impacts of being a caregiver. The group’s focus is caregivers and needs of a caregiver. Please come out and have your voice heard on what you would like to see in this group and topics of interest you would like to cover.
Start date: Monday, June 10, 2024
Time: 6:00 to 7:00pm
Location: Family Room (located in Fairvern lower level)
Frequency: Monday’s Biweekly
Upcoming Topics:
June 10, 2024 – Caregiver Guilt
June 24, 2024 – Caregiver Burnout
Facilitated By: Robyn Lawryk (Fairvern Social Worker)
News from Activation
The summer is almost here and things are warming up at Fairvern!
Come celebrate Dads on Thursday June 13 at 2pm for our Father’s Day Celebration.
Or come by on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 16 for a cold drink and some Dad jokes!
We are celebrating June Birthdays at 2pm on Tuesday June 18.
We remember Residents who have passed at our Celebration of Life on Tuesday, June 25 at 10:30am.
Canada Day Celebrations start early with a party on Sunday June 30 at 2pm.
As always, we encourage family and friends to join us!
Fans in Resident Rooms
With the warm weather upon us here is a reminder about fans in Resident rooms. Fans must be positioned so as not to blow on other Residents in the room. Should there be an outbreak fans will not be permitted due to infection control concerns. If you are bringing a fan, please let our Maintenance department know as they will complete an inspection to ensure electrical safety.
Family Council
Family Council will take place virtually on June 25, 2024, at 6:00 pm. All are welcome to attend via Zoom link below. Family Council will not meet in July and August, returning in September.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82575005149?pwd=ClKu5wSYe4WVcvkvUQA6pFQGruqrqN.1Pet Vaccination
Pets are welcome to visit at Fairvern. Please ensure that your pet’s up to date vaccination papers are handed into Fairvern every year. Once these have been received, we will issue a pet card.
Resident Clothing Seasonal Change
With the arrival of warmer weather, we are encouraging our families to start looking at your loved one’s clothing to make the change over to Spring and Summer attire. Please ensure that the Fall and Winter clothing is taken home. If new clothing is brought in, please ensure that the items are placed in the clothing labelling bin by the 1st floor main entrance with a completed labeling form enclosed in the provided bags. Labelling will be completed and the clothing will be delivered to the Resident.
Friends of Fairvern Baking
The Pie Freezer in the Rose Room is now stocked with the following:
Large Apple, Raisin, Strawberry/Rhubarb, & Bumbleberry Pies - $15.00.
Date Squares – 6 Large Squares in a Box - $12.00
Apple & Strawberry /Rhubarb Crisp - $12.00
**Remember all you need to do is take your choice from the freezer and if paying cash leave your money in the black cash box mounted on the wall to the right of the freezer.
**E-Transfer Payments for our baking is now possible by sending it by email to: Friendsoffairvern1982@gmail.com
All the money raised goes towards enhancing the Residents’ lives so please think of The Friends’ baking when you’re planning your next meal.
Friends of Fairvern Fall Fundraiser
A Reminder to Get your tickets soon for:
An authentic Italian Dinner followed by a performance by Mentalist Buzz Collins
On Saturday September 21, 2024 At
The Huntsville Royal Canadian Legion
***Tickets are on sale now from the Algonquin Theatre
May 2024 Communication
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Please help us welcome Robyn Lawryk to the Fairvern Team! Robyn is a Registered Social Worker with over 10 years experience in her field and is excited to start in the home. As Fairvern’s new Social Worker, Robyn will be working Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, assisting Residents and Families with various needs. Her first day is Monday April 29th!
Fairvern Family Council Meeting
Please join the Fairvern Family Council meeting Tuesday April 30 at 6 pm via Zoom. New members always welcome!
Join Zoom Meeting
2023 Notice of Assessment
Please remember, for those residents who are eligible for a “rate reduction” for basic accommodation fees, to forward a copy of the 2023 Notice of Assessment to Debbie Biliko. These can be dropped off to the Business Office or sent by email to debbie.biliko@muskoka.on.ca.
Spring and Summer Menu
With the long anticipated arrival of Spring, the dietary department is delighted to announce that the new Spring & Summer menu will begin on Monday, May 6. This is a brand new menu that offers many new dishes and flavours for our residents to enjoy!
Mother’s Day
We are thrilled and excited to be the home of some of the most wonderful moms.
And some aunts, sisters and daughters.
We welcome you to join us for
Mother’s Day Tea
Sunday May 12
At 2pm
We welcome friends and loved ones to come and bring residents to this celebration
Volunteer Appreciation
We hosted a volunteer appreciation event on Friday April 26th. It was an afternoon of music, food, laughter and great company as we celebrated these integral group of people who volunteer their time here at the Home.
Hats off to our amazing volunteers!!
It has become quite clear that this community is the most generous and thoughtful. And Fairvern volunteers are the very best of them.
The Friends of Fairvern has been supporting Fairvern through activity volunteers and fundraising. Their name really says it all, they have been friends to the Fairvern community for over 40 years. The ongoing commitment and dedication is inspiring. Thank you to all of the Friends of Fairvern.
To our in volunteers who come and assist with resident needs and activities, some of you are members of the Friends of Fairvern and others are not. But we extend our sincerest gratitude. You might see a glimpse of the affect you have but you will likely never really know the full measure of the impact in the lives of the residents, families, staff and community here. Thank you.
To our faith community who comes in to serve and bless the residents here at Fairvern, thank you for your dedication, encouragement and love. Thank you.
For those who play music and sing. You see the smiles and toes tapping. But you only see in part the good that you are doing. Sometimes love is a song.
To those who are just beginning your volunteering journey and for those who have served for years – we are grateful for all of you.
To all of our volunteers, we just want to take a minute to tip our proverbial hats and say that our home is better, warmer, sweeter, happier and more loving because of all of the things that you do.
From the bottom of our hearts-THANK YOU
The Friends of Fairvern Presents:
An authentic Italian Dinner followed by a performance by Mentalist Buzz Collins
Saturday September 21, 2024
The Huntsville Royal Canadian Legion
Doors Open at 5:00 pm, Dinner at 6:00 pm, Showtime at 8:00 pm
Licensed Bar - Silent Auction - 50/50 Draw
Tickets $65.00
Available from the Huntsville Algonquin Theatre
This event is one of our major fundraisers for the year. The money raised is used to support the Residents with the purchase of items or assistance with activities requested by by the Home.
Our committee is very excited about this event which promises to be an evening of delicious food and wonderful entertainment.
Please get your tickets soon & plan to join us.
April 2024 Communication
Share April 2024 Communication on Facebook Share April 2024 Communication on Twitter Share April 2024 Communication on Linkedin Email April 2024 Communication linkFriends of Fairvern Pies
The Pie Freezer in the Rose Room is now stocked with the following:
Large Chicken Pot Pie - $20.00 (Only 1 remaining)
Butter Tarts – 6 to a box - $12.00.
Large Apple, Raisin, Strawberry/Rhubarb, & Bumbleberry Pies - $15.00.
COMING SOON: Apple Crisp, Strawberry/Rhubarb Crisp & Date Squares
Remember all you must do is take your choice from the freezer and & leave your money in the black cash box mounted on the wall to the right of the freezer.
All the money raised goes towards enhancing the Resident’s lives so please think of The Friends’ baking when you’re planning your next meal.
2023 Notice of Assessment
Please remember, for those residents who are eligible for a “rate reduction” for basic accommodation fees, to forward a copy of the 2023 Notice of Assessment to Debbie Biliko. These can be dropped off to the Business Office or sent by email to debbie.biliko@muskoka.on.ca.
Hats Off to our Volunteers
Fairvern will be hosting an appreciation celebration on April 26, 2024. Let's recognize and celebrate every volunteer and each contribution they're making to strengthen inclusivity and wellbeing in our home.
Please RSVP to Esther at ext. 4336.
Looking forward to seeing you!
March Family Council Meeting – April 30, 2024
The Fairvern Family Council will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 30th at 6:00 pm via Zoom.
The meeting link will be circulated closer to the meeting.
All Friends and Families are invited and encouraged to attend.
Leave of Absence Books
Beginning Wednesday, March 27, 2024, Fairvern implemented Leave of Absence books that are located at the Nurses Stations on each floor. If you are leaving the home with your friend or loved one we ask that this book be filled out. The form will ask for the following information:
Date, Time, Name of Resident, Responsible Person, Time Out, Phone Number, Signature when Returning and Time Returned.
Thank you for your support and cooperation. Please reach out should you have any questions.
On Monday, April 8th there will be a Total Solar Eclipse visible across North America. A Total Solar Eclipse is when the moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun and creating darkness on a slim sliver of Earth’s surface. Read more about Total Solar Eclipses here.
When is the Solar Eclipse?
Here in Muskoka, the solar eclipse is expected to start at 2:06PM reaching its maximum of 95% obscurity at approximately 3:20PM, and ending at 4:20PM. Safety precautions should be followed for the full time.
What is the Hazard?
Looking at the sun without special protection may cause damage to your retina from radiation (solar retinopathy). Viewing any part of the bright sun through a camera lens, binoculars, or a telescope without a special-purpose solar filter secured over the front of the optics could cause severe eye injury. Proper eye protection is recommended if you are wanting to look at the solar eclipse.
Safety Considerations
·DO NOT look directly at the sun!
·Where possible, schedule task indoors during the eclipse, to reduce the likelihood of looking at the sun. Discuss with your teams the plan for this day and time.
·Where possible, AVOID travel during the eclipse.
·If driving, continue as normal and avoid looking at the sun. Depending on the sun position, use hats/shades/visors that prevent light to pass through. DO NOT drive wearing eclipse glasses and DO have headlights turned ON.
·During a Solar Eclipse, the environment will darken like dawn or dusk – prepare for distracted drivers and people. Ensure adequate lighting and wear high visibility clothing appropriate for low light conditions.
·If you want to look at the eclipse, only use safe solar eclipse viewers or filters that meet international standards ISO 12312. Please note that regular sunglasses do not provide sufficient eye protection for viewing the solar eclipse.
March 2024 Communication
Share March 2024 Communication on Facebook Share March 2024 Communication on Twitter Share March 2024 Communication on Linkedin Email March 2024 Communication linkUpdates to Enhanced Masking Mandates
The Ministry of Long-Term Care (MLTC) has been working closely with the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health (OCMOH) to monitor and assess respiratory illness in the community and LTCHs, including reassessing enhanced masking measures currently in place in LTCHs.
Recent trends have shown continued decreases in community level transmission of COVID-19, flu and RSV, as well as decreases in outbreaks in LTCHs, with lower risk of severe illness and hospitalization amongst residents, and increased vaccination rates. While outbreaks can still be expected, we anticipate entering a lower risk period of respiratory illness than we have experienced over the past three months. Based on the recent trends and projections, and the advice of OCMOH, MLTC ended the enhanced masking requirements on Monday, March 4, 2024.
Masking is still strongly recommended for caregivers and visitors, however not required. Should anyone choose to continue to wear a mask, you are free to do so and they will be available for use.
Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.
Clinical Practice Lead (CPL)
We are excited to announce, Fairvern is introducing a new addition to the Nursing Leadership Team, the Clinical Practice Lead (CPL). The CPL focus is education and continuous quality improvement of core programs and professional development among the Fairvern nursing team which will positively impact resident care. We are eager to have the CLP collaborating with families, residents, and staff to provide safe, optimal care. We are also pleased to announce that Sarina McKey was the successful candidate for this position.
Many of you will already be familiar with Sarina as she has made an impact on resident care at Fairvern for over 5 years in various roles. She began as a PSW and transitioned into the RPN role. During the past year she has also supported the team in the RAI-MDS role, completing resident assessments and Care Plan reviews to provide the best care possible.
Please join us in congratulating Sarina on her new role!
2023 Notice of Assessment
Please remember, for those residents who are eligible for a “rate reduction” for basic accommodation fees, to forward a copy of the 2023 Notice of Assessment to Debbie Biliko. These can be dropped off to the Business Office or sent by email to debbie.biliko@muskoka.on.ca.
March Family Council Meeting – March 26, 2024
The Fairvern Family Council will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 26 at 6:00 pm via Zoom.
The meeting link will be circulated closer to the meeting.
All Friends and Families are invited and encouraged to attend.
Friends of Fairvern Pies
The Pie Volunteers have made some yummy Chicken Pot Pies and various kinds of Butter Tarts for your enjoyment. The prices are as follows:
Large Chicken Pie is $20.00
Small Chicken Pie is $10.00
6 Butter Tarts is $12.00.
Also, there are still some Apple & Raisin Pies available for purchase.
All the money raised goes towards enhancing the Resident’s lives so please think of The Friends’ pies when you are planning your next meal.
Visioning Session
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Visioning Session with BPA on February 20. It was great to have such an amazing turnout. BPA will be sharing outcomes from this session and stay tuned for further information and opportunities for future sharing.
Activation Update
The sun is shining and snow melting. Spring is in the air!!
The home is decorated with shamrocks and green as we look forward to St Patrick’s Day. We have enjoyed some creative art projects and Travel Club trip to Ireland and will be reminiscing about the day as well as enjoying some music, treats and green beer coming up on Friday March 15 at 2pm.
We will also have some Easter activities starting this month as Good Friday will be on Friday March 29. We will share some pictures of our Easter events.
We look forward to getting outside with residents as soon as the weather allows.
Love is alive and well here at Fairvern! Our home was decorated in hearts and flowers.
Friends of Fairvern volunteer made fresh flower centerpieces for all of the tables in the dining rooms. Thank you, Marg for donating your time and Cottage Country Flowers for donating the carnations
We also enjoyed a lovely Sweetheart Lunch for some special lovebirds here at Fairvern. The pictures from the event will make you smile.
February 2024 Communication
Share February 2024 Communication on Facebook Share February 2024 Communication on Twitter Share February 2024 Communication on Linkedin Email February 2024 Communication linkSewing
Effective February 1, 2024 the sewing service rate will be increased to $30/hour to help offset the cost of tools and equipment. If your resident requires mending or alterations to their clothing and is not signed up for in-house service, please contact Mary Woodruff at 705-789-6011 ext. 4339.
Sweetheart Lunch
Romance is alive and well at Fairvern. We will be hosting couples for a sweetheart lunch at 12:30pm on Wednesday February 14.
We welcome couples in home as well as spouses to sign up for this event. Lunch will be served in the Activity Center. Space is limited so please sign up with Esther Murphy,
January 4, 2024 Communication
Share January 4, 2024 Communication on Facebook Share January 4, 2024 Communication on Twitter Share January 4, 2024 Communication on Linkedin Email January 4, 2024 Communication linkFairvern Family Council
Fairvern Family Council will meet on January 23 at 6 pm via ZOOM. New members are always welcome and if you would like more information please contact Cate Schenk, Chair of the Council at fairvernfamilycouncil@gmail.com.
Zoom link for the January 23 meeting can be found here https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86348973461?pwd=ulFIsRZwbkZaWdu09f0scnZyvM03E6.1
Fairvern Redevelopment
Construction on the new Fairvern continues to move ahead. We have created a Redevelopment update wall in the lower level next to the Family Room. New progress photos will be added on a regular basis and we welcome you to take a look when you are visiting.
Ministry of Long Term Care Inspection
Two inspectors from the MLTC were on site in December for 4 days to complete a complaint inspection. The report will be received in January and results will be shared.
Resident Engagement Survey
Our Resident Engagement survey will be closing on January 12. Please take time to complete with your loved one or on behalf of your loved one. This information provides valuable feedback for improvements at Fairvern. The survey can be found here : https://www.engagemuskoka.ca/fairvern-family-portal/surveys/fairvern-resident-and-family-engagement-survey-dec-2023
Thanks in advance for your participation.
Nurse Practitioner
Please welcome Fairvern’s new attending Nurse Practitioner, Jennifer Juzytsch. Jennifer is with the Nurse Led Outreach Team (NLOT) through OSMH and will work closely with Fairvern’s physicians and staff to provide exceptional care. She will be visiting the home every Monday and Wednesday going forward. In this new role, she will assess/diagnose/treat any acute, episodic concerns that may occur for the residents, as well as support advanced wound care and any additional resident needs that arise in collaboration with the team. The purpose of the NLOT is to support facilities to avoid unnecessary emergency department transfers, repatriation from hospitals, and keeping residents in their home. As this new partnership unfolds, Jennifer looks forward to meeting and working with residents, family, and staff at Fairvern. Welcome to the team, Jennifer!
Post Christmas Resident and Family Christmas Party
Due to the outbreak we had to postpone our Resident and Family Christmas party back in December. We are happy to announce that we have rescheduled the party for Wednesday January 17th at 2 p.m. in the Rose Room. Please see the attached document. We look forward to seeing everyone then.
2nd Floor Outbreak Declared Over
Share 2nd Floor Outbreak Declared Over on Facebook Share 2nd Floor Outbreak Declared Over on Twitter Share 2nd Floor Outbreak Declared Over on Linkedin Email 2nd Floor Outbreak Declared Over linkDear Fairvern Families, Staff and Stakeholders;
The Respiratory outbreak on Second Floor at Fairvern has been declared over by Public Health on October 18, 2023.
As a reminder, please do not visit if you are feeling unwell and continue to practice hand hygiene. Masks will be available should you wish to wear one while visiting at any time.
Thank you to everyone for your cooperation and understanding over the course of the outbreak.
Warm Regards,
Carrie Acton
October 6 2023 2nd Floor Respiratory Outbreak
Share October 6 2023 2nd Floor Respiratory Outbreak on Facebook Share October 6 2023 2nd Floor Respiratory Outbreak on Twitter Share October 6 2023 2nd Floor Respiratory Outbreak on Linkedin Email October 6 2023 2nd Floor Respiratory Outbreak linkOctober 6, 2023
Dear Fairvern Stakeholder:
Please be advised that Fairvern has a declared Respiratory outbreak on Second Floor. We are cohorting the floors and continuing to monitor all residents for signs and symptoms. Those Residents who are positive have been isolated and Powers of Attorney have been notified. We are working with Public Health and should there be changes you will be notified.
At this time, only Essential Caregivers may visit Residents on the Second Floor and only visit your loved one. Please ensure Infection Protocols are followed and hand hygiene is completed. There are no restrictions to visiting Residents on the First Floor.
We are providing this message so that those wishing to visit our Home can make their own determination regarding entering the Home to visit their loved one.
In the meantime, we will continue to do our very best to keep everyone in our Home safe. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Carrie Acton
October 2023 Communication
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Our small but mighty Physiotherapy team ensures that our Residents maintain as much independence as possible for as long as is possible. They run exercise groups and one to one programming that includes mobility and gait training, balance training, walking and stretching. These folks also ensure that Resident have the mobility equipment they need and that it is kept in tip top shape. John, our Physiotherapist, provides lift and transfer training to our staff team as well to ensure the safety of both the Residents and our staff.
A huge thank you to John and Dee, and our Coop Student Riley.
Family Council
The next Family Council meeting will be held virtually on October 24 at 6:00 pm. If you would like to join or would like more information, please email fairvernfamilycouncil@gmail.com. There is also information on the Family Council board in the Activity Centre on the lower level of Fairvern.
Fall and Winter Menus
With the changing of the seasons, comes the changing of our menu. Our residents are looking forward to the Fall and Winter menu which will be starting later this month. The new menu will feature flavours of the fall including pumpkin and apple, as well as new menu offerings and favourite dishes from past menus.
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower” – Albert Camus
Friends of Fairvern Frozen Pies
The Friends of Fairvern have frozen pies for sale in the upright freezer at the back of the Rose Room. A large pie is $15 each and a small pie is $8 each. Please consider supporting our volunteer organization with the purchase of a pie.
Influenza Season
With influenza season upon us and COVID still in the community, here a few reminders.
Please do not visit if you are ill.
If you have been ill with influenza or COVID you may return to visit once your symptoms have been improving for 24 hours (or 48 hours if gastrointestinal symptoms) and you have no fever.
If you were COVID positive, you should follow measures to reduce the risk of transmission for 10 days from your symptom onset/positive test, including wearing a mask and distancing from others.
Please wash your hands and/or use the alcohol based hand rub frequently.
Fairvern Residents will begin to receive influenza vaccinations (with consent) on October 10, 2023.
We encourage all staff, volunteers and visitors to receive their influenza vaccines.
Let’s all work together to keep everyone healthy and happy!
August 3, 2023 Communication
Share August 3, 2023 Communication on Facebook Share August 3, 2023 Communication on Twitter Share August 3, 2023 Communication on Linkedin Email August 3, 2023 Communication linkFriends of Fairvern Raffle Fundraiser
The Friends of Fairvern is the Volunteer Organization that has supported the Home since it opened in 1982. Over the years they have held various fundraising activities that has enabled them to support the Residents.
This year they are holding a Raffle Fundraiser and a large number of Muskoka Community Members, Artisans, and Businesses have generously donated items worth almost $4000.00 for this cause. Tickets are $5 each or 3 for $12. The draw is scheduled to be held at Fairvern on Friday, October 6, 2023 at 2:00 pm. Ticket holders will have an opportunity to win one of 6 prize baskets.
Margaret Dollar has volunteered to be available in the Fairvern Activity Centre to meet with staff, volunteers, and family members at Fairvern on the following dates and times to sell tickets to those who would like some and to provide booklets of tickets to those who would like to help sell our tickets:
Thursday August 10th - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Friday August 18th - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Thursday August 24th - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
For tickets after August 22nd, please call Brenda Greer at 705-789-3829.
The Friends hope everyone associated with Fairvern will support this exciting fundraising initiative so they can meet their goal of selling 3000 tickets.
Speaking of fundraising initiatives, don’t forgot to purchase a homemade pie from the Friends’ Upright Freezer located at the back of the Rose Room. Rumour has it that they are DELICIOUS! Please spread the word to your family & friends.
Fairvern Family Council
All family members are welcome to join the Fairvern Family Council. For more information, please reach out by email to fairvernfamilycouncil@gmail.com.
Food in Resident Rooms
If you are bringing treats or snacks to your loved one to be consumed in their room, we ask that it be stored in a sealed container or baggie. This will assist in ensuring the item stays fresh and will also keep crumbs etc. to a minimum. Thank you for your cooperation.
Hairdresser – Sandra Kilgannon
Sandra will be starting with us on August 2nd and will be here on Wednesdays. Please note that she will be away August 16, 23 and 30 and then will return to her schedule on September 6.
Family B.B.Q.
Our Family BBQ held on Wednesday July 26th was a great success. Residents, families and staff enjoyed a wonderful afternoon of music, food and great company. Thank you to everyone that came and made this a true success.
Follow Project
Who's Listening
Phone 705-645-2100 Email jennifer.duncan@muskoka.on.ca
Policies at Fairvern
Activities Monthly Calendar
January 2023 (950 KB) (pdf)
November 2022.pdf (989 KB) (pdf)
March 2023 Activation Calendar.pdf (981 KB) (pdf)
April 2023 Activation Calendar.pdf (1.32 MB) (pdf)
May 2023 Activation Calendar.pdf (1020 KB) (pdf)
June 2023 Activation Calendar.pdf (1.07 MB) (pdf)
July 2023 Activation Calendar.pdf (1.35 MB) (pdf)
August 2023 Activation Calendar.pdf (1.06 MB) (pdf)
October 2023 Activation Calendar.pdf (764 KB) (pdf)
January 2024 Activation Calendar (1.18 MB) (pdf)
February 2024.pdf (937 KB) (pdf)
March 2024.pdf (1020 KB) (pdf)
April 2024 Activation Calendar (247 KB) (pdf)
May 2024 Activation Calendar.pdf (870 KB) (pdf)
June 2024 Activation Calendar.pdf (990 KB) (pdf)
August 2024 Activation Calendar.pdf (135 KB) (pdf)
September 2024 Activation Calendar.pdf (366 KB) (pdf)
September 2024 Activity Calendar Glossary.pdf (88.4 KB) (pdf)
October 2024 Activation Calendar (1).pdf (122 KB) (pdf)
Activity Glossary October 2024 (1).pdf (74.8 KB) (pdf)
November 2024 Calendar.pdf (346 KB) (pdf)
December 2024 Activation Calendar.pdf (54.1 KB) (pdf)
January 2025 Activation Calendar.pdf (46.5 KB) (pdf)
February 2025 Activation Calendar.pdf (99.5 KB) (pdf)
March 2025 Activation Calendar.pdf (161 KB) (pdf)