Fairvern Family Portal

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Welcome to our information and sharing portal for Fairvern Resident Families and Caregivers!

Please use the "Stay Informed" tool to get regular updates and to stay informed on important family news.


February 12, 2025

RE: Outbreak – RESOLVED

To Fairvern Families, Team Members and Stakeholders.

Fairvern’s outbreak was declared resolved today, February 12, 2025, by Public Health.

Mask use will continue for staff and all visitors are strongly encouraged to wear a mask when visiting. We are also reminding visitors of the importance of always completing hand hygiene and following Infection Protocols and continue to ask that if you are feeling unwell, please refrain from visiting. If you have any questions when visiting, please speak to the Registered Staff.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding throughout the outbreak and ongoing.


Carrie Acton


Welcome to our information and sharing portal for Fairvern Resident Families and Caregivers!

Please use the "Stay Informed" tool to get regular updates and to stay informed on important family news.


February 12, 2025

RE: Outbreak – RESOLVED

To Fairvern Families, Team Members and Stakeholders.

Fairvern’s outbreak was declared resolved today, February 12, 2025, by Public Health.

Mask use will continue for staff and all visitors are strongly encouraged to wear a mask when visiting. We are also reminding visitors of the importance of always completing hand hygiene and following Infection Protocols and continue to ask that if you are feeling unwell, please refrain from visiting. If you have any questions when visiting, please speak to the Registered Staff.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding throughout the outbreak and ongoing.


Carrie Acton


  • Family Council - Tues. Jan. 31 at 6pm (Zoom Link)

    Share Family Council - Tues. Jan. 31 at 6pm (Zoom Link) on Facebook Share Family Council - Tues. Jan. 31 at 6pm (Zoom Link) on Twitter Share Family Council - Tues. Jan. 31 at 6pm (Zoom Link) on Linkedin Email Family Council - Tues. Jan. 31 at 6pm (Zoom Link) link

    Good morning everyone,

    Below please find updated information for the Fairvern Family Council Meeting happening today.

    Topic: Fairvern Family Council

    Time: Jan 31, 2023 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 899 3790 8654

    Passcode: 915689

    One tap mobile

    +14388097799,,89937908654#,,,,*915689# Canada

    +15873281099,,89937908654#,,,,*915689# Canada

    Dial by your location

    +1 438 809 7799 Canada

    +1 587 328 1099 Canada

    +1 647 374 4685 Canada

    +1 647 558 0588 Canada

    +1 778 907 2071 Canada

    +1 780 666 0144 Canada

    +1 204 272 7920 Canada

    855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free

    Meeting ID: 899 3790 8654

    Passcode: 915689

    Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kca3WzBIoe

    Thank you.

  • Jan. 9/23 - COVID Outbreak Declared Complete

    Share Jan. 9/23 - COVID Outbreak Declared Complete on Facebook Share Jan. 9/23 - COVID Outbreak Declared Complete on Twitter Share Jan. 9/23 - COVID Outbreak Declared Complete on Linkedin Email Jan. 9/23 - COVID Outbreak Declared Complete link

    Dear Fairvern Stakeholder, Family Members, Staff, and Volunteers:

    Please be advised that Fairvern’s outbreak has been declared complete today, January 9, 2023, by Public Health.

    Residents will return to the dining rooms today and group activities will resume. General visitors are permitted to visit our Residents at this time and there are no limits on the number of visitors.

    We thank you all for your patience, understanding and cooperation throughout this outbreak especially over the Holiday Season.

    Please reach out should you have any questions.


    Carrie Acton, Administrator

    Karen Jeffries, Resident Care Coordinator/Infection Control Nurse

  • New Hire Co-Director of Care in the Nursing Department

    Share New Hire Co-Director of Care in the Nursing Department on Facebook Share New Hire Co-Director of Care in the Nursing Department on Twitter Share New Hire Co-Director of Care in the Nursing Department on Linkedin Email New Hire Co-Director of Care in the Nursing Department link

    Good Afternoon Everyone,

    The Fairvern team is thrilled to announce that Cara Glenn-Sanders will be joining our team as Co-Director of Care in the Nursing department.

    Cara is an RN with 17 years experience in both acute care and long term care. Her long term care experience includes holding the following positions Interim Director of Care, Co-Director of Care and IPAC Coordinator. Her skills and abilities will be an asset to our team as we continue with the redevelopment of our home.

    Cara begins her new role on Monday, January 9th, 2023.

    Please join us in congratulating and welcoming Cara!

  • Jan. 6/23 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor

    Share Jan. 6/23 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor on Facebook Share Jan. 6/23 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor on Twitter Share Jan. 6/23 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor on Linkedin Email Jan. 6/23 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor link

    Dear Fairvern Stakeholder, Family Members, Staff and Volunteers:

    Please be advised that Fairvern remains in a whole home outbreak.

    There is one (1) positive Resident and nine (9) Residents who have been resolved on 1st floor and five (5) positive Residents and eight (8) Residents who have been resolved on 2nd floor.

    Cohorting continues on both floors and staff are completing twice daily monitoring of all residents for signs and symptoms. Residents are being encouraged to stay in their rooms and meal service is being delivered to them. Resident masking is also being encouraged for those who can tolerate the mask.

    Power of Attorneys for Residents who are positive have been notified. We are working with Public Health and should there be changes you will be notified.

    Public Health has advised Fairvern that Residents are discouraged from leaving the Home during the outbreak. Should you choose to take your loved one out, we strongly recommend that a mask be worn by the Resident and yourself. At this time, only Essential Caregivers may visit Residents and only visit your loved one. If your Resident is in a COVID positive room, only one (1) Essential Caregiver is allowed to visit per Resident at one time. For other rooms there can be two (2) Essential Caregivers visiting at one time per Resident. Eye protection and a facemask is required for both floors and will be provided by the Home. Please ensure Infection Protocols are followed and hand hygiene is completed. If your loved one is positive, you will be required to wear additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Please see staff should you have any questions.

    Please remember that the virus is highly transmissible. We are providing this message so that those wishing to visit our Home can make their own determination regarding entering the Home to visit their loved one.

    In the meantime, we will continue to do our very best to keep everyone in our Home safe. Thank you for your understanding and patience.


    Carrie Acton, Administrator

    Karen Jeffries, Resident Care Coordinator/Infection Control Nurse

  • Jan. 4/23 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor

    Share Jan. 4/23 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor on Facebook Share Jan. 4/23 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor on Twitter Share Jan. 4/23 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor on Linkedin Email Jan. 4/23 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor link

    Dear Fairvern Stakeholder, Family Members, Staff and Volunteers:

    Please be advised that Fairvern remains in a whole home outbreak.

    There are four (4) positive Residents and six (6) Residents who have been resolved on 1st floor and nine (9) positive Residents and four (4) Residents who have been resolved on 2nd floor.

    Cohorting continues on both floors and staff are completing twice daily monitoring of all residents for signs and symptoms. Residents are being encouraged to stay in their rooms and meal service is being delivered to them. Resident masking is also being encouraged for those who can tolerate the mask.

    Power of Attorneys for Residents who are positive have been notified. We are working with Public Health and should there be changes you will be notified.

    Public Health has advised Fairvern that Residents are discouraged from leaving the Home during the outbreak. Should you choose to take your loved one out, we strongly recommend that a mask be worn by the Resident and yourself. At this time, only Essential Caregivers may visit Residents and only visit your loved one. If your Resident is in a COVID positive room, only one (1) Essential Caregiver is allowed to visit per Resident at one time. For other rooms there can be two (2) Essential Caregivers visiting at one time per Resident. Eye protection and a facemask is required for both floors and will be provided by the Home. Please ensure Infection Protocols are followed and hand hygiene is completed. If your loved one is positive, you will be required to wear additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Please see staff should you have any questions.

    Please remember that the virus is highly transmissible. We are providing this message so that those wishing to visit our Home can make their own determination regarding entering the Home to visit their loved one.

    In the meantime, we will continue to do our very best to keep everyone in our Home safe. Thank you for your understanding and patience.


    Carrie Acton, Administrator

    Karen Jeffries, Resident Care Coordinator/Infection Control Nurse

  • MAHC - Stay Connected and Involved in Future Planning

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    Community engagement is an essential part of the planning process. All stages of MAHC's planning have included opportunities for internal and external stakeholders to provide feedback through both information sessions and dedicated surveys.

    January Community Open Houses

    MAHC is excited to hold a series of six (6) in-person Community Open Houses from January 16 to 21, 2023, and virtual sessions on January 23 and January 25, 2023. At these sessions we will:

    • Update you on the planning journey and our progress to date
    • Explore land options in Bracebridge for a new location of the SMMH Site
    • Discuss preliminary criteria for choosing the best location
    • Answer your questions and invite your feedback

    Attend an in-person open house near you!

    Huntsville: Monday, January 16, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Active Living Centre (first floor) at 20 Park Street

    Gravenhurst: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Terry Fox Auditorium in the Gravenhurst Centennial Centre at 101 Centennial Drive

    Burk’s Falls: Wednesday, January 18, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Armour, Ryerson & Burk’s Falls Memorial Arena, 2nd floor hall at 220 Centre Street

    Lake of Bays: Thursday, January 19, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Dwight Community Centre at 1014 Dwight Beach Road

    Port Carling: Saturday, January 21, 2023 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. at the Port Carling Community Centre at 3 Bailey Street

    Bracebridge: Saturday, January 21, 2023 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. at the Rene M. Caisse Memorial Theatre at 100 Clearbrook Trail

    Register to attend a virtual open house

    Virtual open houses are scheduled on Monday, January 23, 2023 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. or Wednesday, January 25, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Register for the Zoom link to attend a virtual open house.

  • Dec. 23/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor

    Share Dec. 23/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor on Facebook Share Dec. 23/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor on Twitter Share Dec. 23/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor on Linkedin Email Dec. 23/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor link


    Dear Fairvern Stakeholder, Family Members, Staff and Volunteers:

    Please be advised that we remain in a whole home outbreak and our numbers are still the same as yesterday. There are five (5) positive cases on 1st floor and three (3) positive cases on 2nd floor.

    Cohorting continues on both floors and all residents are being monitored for signs and symptoms. Residents are staying in their room and meal service is being delivered to them. Resident masking is also being encouraged for those who can tolerate the mask.

    Power of Attorneys for Residents who are positive have been notified. We are working with Public Health and should there be changes you will be notified.

    Public Health has advised Fairvern that Residents are discouraged from leaving the Home during the outbreak. Should you choose to take your loved one out, we strongly recommend that a mask be worn by the Resident and yourself. At this time, only Essential Caregivers may visit Residents and only visit your loved one. If your Resident is in a COVID positive room, only one (1) Essential Caregiver is allowed to visit per Resident at one time. For other rooms there can be two (2) Essential Caregivers visiting at one time per Resident. Eye protection and a facemask is required for both floors and will be provided by the Home. Please ensure Infection Protocols are followed and hand hygiene is completed. If your loved one is positive, you will be required to wear additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Please see staff should you have any questions.

    Communication will be delivered Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the outbreak.

    Please remember that the virus is highly transmissible. We are providing this message so that those wishing to visit our Home can make their own determination regarding entering the Home to visit their loved one.

    In the meantime, we will continue to do our very best to keep everyone in our Home safe. Thank you for your understanding and patience.


    Patti Gilchrist, Director of Resident Care

    Karen Jeffries, Resident Care Coordinator/Infection Control Nurse

  • Dec. 21/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor

    Share Dec. 21/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor on Facebook Share Dec. 21/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor on Twitter Share Dec. 21/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor on Linkedin Email Dec. 21/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st and 2nd Floor link

    December 21, 2022

    Dear Fairvern Stakeholder, Family Members, Staff and Volunteers:

    Please be advised that Fairvern is now in a Home Wide COVID outbreak with the addition of one case on second floor. We are cohorting the floors and continuing to monitor all residents for signs and symptoms. Residents are staying in their room and meal service is being delivered to them. Resident masking is also being encouraged for those who can tolerate the mask.

    Power of Attorneys for Residents who are positive have been notified. We are working with Public Health and should there be changes you will be notified.

    Public Health has advised Fairvern that Residents are discouraged from leaving the Home during the outbreak. Should you choose to take your loved one out, we strongly recommend that a mask be worn by the Resident and yourself. At this time, only Essential Caregivers may visit Residents and only visit your loved one. Eye protection and a facemask is required for both floors and will be provided by the Home. Please ensure Infection Protocols are followed and hand hygiene is completed. If your loved one is positive, you will be required to wear additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Please see staff should you have any questions.

    Please remember that the virus is highly transmissible. We are providing this message so that those wishing to visit our Home can make their own determination regarding entering the Home to visit their loved one.

    In the meantime, we will continue to do our very best to keep everyone in our Home safe. Thank you for your understanding and patience.


    Patti Gilchrist, Director of Resident Care

    Karen Jeffries, Resident Care Coordinator/Infection Control Nurse

  • Dec. 20/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st Floor

    Share Dec. 20/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st Floor on Facebook Share Dec. 20/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st Floor on Twitter Share Dec. 20/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st Floor on Linkedin Email Dec. 20/22 - Outbreak Status - 1st Floor link

    December 20, 2022

    Dear Fairvern Stakeholder, Family Members, Staff and volunteers:

    Please be advised that Fairvern currently has (5) five positive cases in our Resident population on the First Floor. We are cohorting the floors and continuing to monitor all residents for signs and symptoms. First floor residents are staying in their room and meal service is being delivered to them. Resident masking is also being encouraged for those who can tolerate the mask.

    Those Residents who are positive have been isolated and Powers of Attorney have been notified. We are working with Public Health and should there be changes you will be notified.

    At this time, only Essential Caregivers may visit Residents on the First Floor and only visit your loved one. Eye protection and a facemask is required on the First Floor. Please ensure Infection Protocols are followed and hand hygiene is completed. If your loved one is positive, you will be required to wear additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

    Second floor residents are not affected at this point and are being cohorted to their floor. No changes to visiting protocol to second floor at this time.

    Please remember that the virus is highly transmissible. We are providing this message so that those wishing to visit our Home can make their own determination regarding entering the Home to visit their loved one.

    In the meantime, we will continue to do our very best to keep everyone in our Home safe. Thank you for your understanding and patience.


    Patti Gilchrist

    Director of Resident Care


  • Dec. 19/22 - Enhanced Surveillance

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    Dear Fairvern Family, Friends and Team Members:

    Please be advised that due to positive test results within the resident population on 1st floor, the Home has been placed in Enhanced Surveillance after consultation with Public Health. There are two Residents who have tested positive and updates are being provided to the families of these Residents. All residents are being co-horted to their respective floors. 1st floor residents are staying in their rooms and meal service is being delivered there. Dining is as usual on 2nd floor. Group activities have been cancelled and Activation Staff are completing one to one visits.

    We are asking that all visitors to the Home wear a facemask with eye protection.

    Should your loved one receive a positive result you will be contacted by the Registered Staff.

    Please note that the Home is under Enhanced Surveillance.

    Please remember that the virus is highly transmissible. We are providing this message so that those wishing to visit our Home can make their own determination regarding entering the Home to visit their loved one.

    In the meantime, we will continue to do our very best to keep everyone in our Home safe. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we respond to the evolving COVID situation here in Ontario.


    Patti Gilchrist

    Director of Resident Care

Page last updated: 07 Mar 2025, 08:16 AM