Muskoka Housing Task Force 101

There is a housing crisis in Muskoka, and great things are happening in our communities and by the Muskoka Housing Task Force to help address it.
The Task Force has been coming together for just over two years to network, create partnerships, and discuss how to increase access to housing in Muskoka.
We’ve learned about existing and alternative housing models, discussed development processes, examined funding models, and identified key concepts to understanding housing in our communities.
Over the coming weeks, you will see more information and updates from the Task Force on the District’s social media platforms and shared by Task Force members.
Watch for posts on the District's social media channels tagged “Muskoka Housing Task Force 101” “Muskoka Housing Task Force – Did You Know?” and “Muskoka Housing Task Force – Make the Connection”. These posts will help you better understand housing needs in our communities, what is happening in Muskoka to support increased access to housing, and what you can do to help.
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Thank you for following along and connecting with us as we navigate opportunities to help increase housing for everyone.