News Release: Revitalized and Relaunched – Muskoka Housing Task Force 2.0 Kicks Off Its Inaugural Meeting

Wednesday, October 4th, 2023 (Muskoka, ON) The inaugural meeting of the Muskoka Housing Task Force 2.0 took place last Thursday, September 28th at the District of Muskoka Administration Office in Bracebridge, and welcomed a refreshed membership of community members, stakeholders, Municipal staff, and elected officials who will work together to support the creation and maintenance of affordable and attainable housing in Muskoka.
“The energy in the room couldn’t be beat,” said Housing Task Force Chair Peter Kelley. “Our new membership brings a wealth of lived experience, expertise and passion that will drive forward the recommendations of the Muskoka Housing Task Force 1.0. It is abundantly clear that this Task Force is committed to identifying real solutions that will address the housing crisis here in Muskoka, and we are eager to share our story and progress with our community as it unfolds”.
What’s Next?
- Task Force members are working to prioritize a list of short-term projects that will work to quickly increase availability of Muskoka’s affordable housing stock.
- While not exclusive, potential projects discussed at the meeting include further exploration of head leases, secondary suites, vacant building inventory, development/developers concierge service and fast-tracking affordable housing development applications.
Stay Engaged
We invite the Muskoka community to actively stay informed and follow Task Force updates by visiting the Muskoka Housing Task Force 2.0 project page on Engage Muskoka at: Here, you can also sign up to receive Task Force updates right to your inbox.
Task force updates will also be shared with the community via the District’s social media channels.
Investing in housing solutions for Muskoka. It’s what we do.
The District of Muskoka is made up of six area municipalities and is responsible for delivering critical public services and programs to residents in our community. Visit our website at
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