A New Leaf Community Working Group Launched To Strengthen Action on Climate Change in Muskoka

The first meeting of the New Leaf Community Working took place today, a group launched in partnership by the District of Muskoka and five area municipalities (Towns of Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Huntsville, Townships of Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays) to take action on Climate Change with the Township of Georgian Bay following their own climate plan.

The working group will look at the impacts of climate change across Muskoka’s communities, identify future risks, and draft a regional plan to adapt to these changes. The adaptation plan will outline actions for communities and municipalities to take to prepare for the effects of climate change now and in the future.

Led by District and area municipal staff, the working group includes representatives from environmental advocacy groups, chambers of commerce, Indigenous groups, tourism and cottagers associations, the natural resources sector, utilities, public health, school board, and more.

“The District is excited to launch the New Leaf Community Working Group in partnership with our area municipalities to move climate action forward in Muskoka.” said District Chair John Klinck. “This partnership, which I hope will ultimately include our friends in Georgian Bay Township, will strengthen our abilities to adapt to the changing climate and to help protect Muskoka’s most valued asset – our natural environment.”

Learn more and stay informed!

To learn more about the New Leaf Climate Working Group, please visit: www.engagemuskoka.ca/new-leaf-community-working-group

To learn more about other climate change-related projects the District is working on, check out our website: https://www.muskoka.on.ca/en/environment/climate-change-initiatives.aspx

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