Consultants Selected for Making Waves: Integrated Watershed Management Phase 1 and Phase 2 Projects
Through the Request for Proposal process, the District of Muskoka is in the final stages of retaining consultants to complete the Phase 1 and Phase 2 projects for the Making Waves: Integrated Watershed Management (IWM) Initiative which is focused on the Muskoka River Watershed. These projects include:
- Localized Structural Mitigation Measures
- Watershed-scale Flood Mitigation Options
- Operational Adjustments Study
- Water Management Plan Review Scoping Study
- Hydrological Model
- Natural Capital Inventory
The localized structural mitigation measures project and watershed-scale flood mitigation options project were combined into one project. Likewise, the operational adjustments study and the water management plan review scoping study were also combined into a single project. These projects were combined because of how the information and outcomes from one project will directly inform the next project.
The floodplain mapping project was awarded in August 2021. To date, 7/12 projects have been awarded. Phase 1 and Phase 2 projects will be completed by the end of summer 2022. Request for proposals for Phase 3 projects will be issued before the New Year.
The purpose of these projects is to better understand the current conditions in Muskoka River Watershed and its environmental challenges, such as flooding, erosion, and land use planning. The results of these projects will inform a future Integrated Management Plan for the Muskoka River Watershed. Part of the focus of the plan will be to help reduce the impacts of flooding.
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