Resort Policy Review

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The Resort Policy Review officially resumes January 2021 and will aim to review and revise the land use policy approach to resort development and redevelopment across Muskoka to:

  • achieve the objectives of the Muskoka Official Plan (MOP);
  • meet the needs of the industry; and
  • address priorities for the Muskoka community.

Lead by Meridian Planning Consultants Ltd., this project picks up resuming work from 2017 that was undertaken as part of the comprehensive review of the MOP.

Using the 2017 draft policies as a starting point, multi-stakeholder consultation will kick off the discussion, moving toward policy directions, formal consultation, and ultimately an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) to update the resort policies in the MOP.

This project page has been created to enhance communication on the resort review policy and is the online engagement platform for our community and stakeholders to be kept informed about this project.

You can participate in the formal planning process for this project by staying engaged in this project page, by attending public meetings, open houses and workshops or by providing your thoughts in writing. To be notified of important opportunities for engagement and to receive project updates, join our courtesy notice list by subscribing to follow this project and receive updates right to your inbox. To sign up, enter your email address in the 'Stay Informed Tool' and hit 'Subscribe' (just look for the big megaphone at the top right-hand corner of this page on your desktop computer, or scroll down on your mobile device).

Learn More

If you are interested in learning more about Official Plans or the planning process, you can head over to the Government of Ontario's website and view the Citizen's Guide to Land Use Planning for more information.

The Resort Policy Review officially resumes January 2021 and will aim to review and revise the land use policy approach to resort development and redevelopment across Muskoka to:

  • achieve the objectives of the Muskoka Official Plan (MOP);
  • meet the needs of the industry; and
  • address priorities for the Muskoka community.

Lead by Meridian Planning Consultants Ltd., this project picks up resuming work from 2017 that was undertaken as part of the comprehensive review of the MOP.

Using the 2017 draft policies as a starting point, multi-stakeholder consultation will kick off the discussion, moving toward policy directions, formal consultation, and ultimately an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) to update the resort policies in the MOP.

This project page has been created to enhance communication on the resort review policy and is the online engagement platform for our community and stakeholders to be kept informed about this project.

You can participate in the formal planning process for this project by staying engaged in this project page, by attending public meetings, open houses and workshops or by providing your thoughts in writing. To be notified of important opportunities for engagement and to receive project updates, join our courtesy notice list by subscribing to follow this project and receive updates right to your inbox. To sign up, enter your email address in the 'Stay Informed Tool' and hit 'Subscribe' (just look for the big megaphone at the top right-hand corner of this page on your desktop computer, or scroll down on your mobile device).

Learn More

If you are interested in learning more about Official Plans or the planning process, you can head over to the Government of Ontario's website and view the Citizen's Guide to Land Use Planning for more information.

  • Resort Policy Review Pre-Consultation Survey Follow-Up

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    Thank you to all of our survey respondents for taking the time to provide your insight into the opportunities and challenges surrounding resort development and redevelopment in Muskoka.

    Our pre-consultation survey received 183 responses, with 181 respondents owning property within the District of Muskoka. We are thrilled to see our community engaged in this conversation and participating in the planning process.

    Aggregated results of the survey have been made available at the following link:

    Our project consultants, Meridian Planning Consultants Ltd., will analyze the survey results and use the input you have provided to help inform future policy options.

    Project updates and policy options are expected to be presented to Community and Planning Services Committee mid-summer 2021. Once the policy options report is available, a newsletter will be sent out to everyone following this project.

    Thanks again for engaging in this survey and for following the Resort Policy Review Project!

  • Public Working Sessions Scheduled and Survey Open!

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    Please join us for the initial public working sessions of the Resort Policy Review currently underway in Muskoka. The purpose of these working sessions is for the consultant to provide background information and history on the project, facilitate discussions about resort development and redevelopment, and gather community insight into opportunities and challenges that will be used to inform future policy options.

    When: The public working session dates and times are included below. To ensure full participation and meaningful group discussion, each meeting will be capped at a maximum of 40 attendees.

    Public Working Sessions - Dates and Times:

    • Tuesday, May 18, 2021 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
    • Tuesday, May 25, 2021 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

    Where: Working sessions will take place via Zoom. If you wish to attend one of these virtual meetings, RSVP by email to with your full name and organization/company affiliation(s), if any, to receive the session details.

    Unable to Attend a Working Session? Complete the Survey!

    A survey has been made available through this project page to gather initial public feedback and comments on this project. You can complete the survey now at the following link: Resort Policy Review Pre-Consultation Survey

    The survey will remain open for public input until Tuesday, June 8th 2021.

    Thanks for following the Resort Policy Review Project!

  • Resort Policy Review - Work Plan Endorsed!

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    Good afternoon,

    On February 16, Muskoka District Council endorsed the work plan for the Resort Policy Review.

    You can review the work plan and committee report at the following link:

    The next steps for this review include pre-consultation with stakeholders such as Area Municipal Planners, resort industry representatives, local planning consultants, lake associations, and other interested parties. Dates and times of any public consultation opportunities will be posted on this site and through other media channels.

    Stay tuned to this page as we will continue to provide more information as it is made available. Don’t forget to subscribe using your email address to receive project updates right to your inbox!

    Thanks again for following along as we resume work on the Resort Policy Review.

  • Resort Policy Review Project Update

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    Good Morning,

    Staff will be taking a report and presentation to Community and Planning Services (CPS) Committee today with a recommendation to endorse the Resort Policy Review Work Plan.

    If the work plan is endorsed by CPS Committee, it will go to Muskoka District Council for final approval in February.

    Live Webcast
    You can tune in to watch the live webcast of the CPS Committee meeting at:

    Please be advised the meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. and the staff report and presentation is item #7 on the agenda.

    Access the Report and Presentation:
    A copy of the report is made available on the District’s Document Centre website at:

    The presentation may also be accessed at:

    Thank you for following along as we resume work on the Report Policy Review!

Page last updated: 24 Mar 2025, 09:14 AM