✈️ Answers to your questions

    1. What is a Municipal Services Corporation?

    A Municipal Services Corporation (MSC) is created by a municipality to manage specific services or assets. 

    For the Muskoka Airport, an MSC would allow the airport to operate more independently, with the flexibility to make business decisions more quickly, similar to how private companies operate. 

    Even though the MSC would handle day-to-day operations, the District of Muskoka would still own the airport lands. The shift to an MSC is a methodical process - all decisions will be based on a comprehensive customized analysis for Muskoka Airport, community input, and governance best practices.

    2. Why is the Muskoka Airport considering a shift to an MSC?

    The MSC transition is being considered to give the airport more flexibility and independence in decision-making, streamline operations, and attract investments and development opportunities. This model supports the airport’s long-term strategic goals for growth, which have been outlined in the airport’s master plan and discussed in Council meetings.

    3. How does the airport contribute to Muskoka?

    The Muskoka Airport generates approximately $46.9 million annually through tourism, air services, and corporate aviation. By transitioning to an MSC, the airport will have greater opportunities to attract new businesses and expand its services. 

    An economic impact assessment was prepared in 2019 which estimated the regional economic contribution generated from the Muskoka Airport into the local economy at approximately $46.9 million dollars per year. 

    The airport’s economic impact (direct, indirect, and induced) could grow significantly from $46.9 million to $104.2 million with the planned and anticipated growth highlighted in the Master Plan.

    4. Will transitioning to an MSC lead to privatization or changes in public ownership of the airport?

    No, the District will retain ownership of the airport lands. The MSC will manage operations under a long-term lease, ensuring the airport remains a public asset while allowing more flexibility to operate efficiently.


    5. What role will Muskoka District Council have under an MSC?

    Although the MSC will have operational autonomy, Muskoka District Council will maintain oversight as the sole shareholder of the MSC. 

    Key decisions, such as the appointment of the Board of Directors and approval of the Airport’s annual budget, will still be made by Muskoka District Council.

    6. How will the MSC improve decision-making for the airport?

    The MSC model provides the Board and management team with greater flexibility to make timely strategic decisions regarding leases, development projects, and operations, to allow the airport to respond more quickly to opportunities.

    7. What are the timelines for the decisions about the transition to an MSC model?

    The consultation process is expected to be completed by the end of November, 2024, with recommendations presented to Muskoka District Council in early 2025. If approved, the transition to the MSC model is targeted to occur by June, 2025.

    8. How will the community and airport partners be kept informed throughout the transition?

    Updates will be posted on this page, the District's social media channels and will be discussed at District Council. 

    Public feedback from surveys and focus groups will be incorporated into the final recommendations, and key updates will be communicated as the process moves forward. Stay tuned for more updates on this page or subscribe for updates. 

    9. How can I give my feedback?

    We're listening. Our Flight Plan survey is now live - share your thoughts and feedback anytime, from anywhere.  

    If you have questions that we haven't answered, please contact our District MSC Project Team at msc@muskoka.on.ca