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Key Concept: The “Housing Continuum”
The housing continuum shows a range of options for housing based on the needs and incomes of residents in a community.

At one end of the housing continuum are people living in crisis who may be homeless or utilizing shelters. At the other end, there are independent renters or homeowners. In between these two ends are people who are paying their own rent but with a form of assistance or subsidy provided by a governing body or charitable organization.
People may stay where they are, or they may also move through the housing continuum. When they move, space opens in their previous position for others to move into (like a ripple effect!)
Examples of the current housing developments in Muskoka:
Home for Good (HFG) – HFG is a form of Transitional Housing (see the orange bar on the continuum graphic) located at 49 Pine St. Bracebridge. This new build will house 12 young adults in Muskoka who may currently be utilizing emergency shelters or who are homeless. The new build will also provide 5 single affordable rental units (see dark blue bar on the continuum graphic) for people in our community. Increasing the supply of transitional housing, can open up space in emergency shelters and move individuals out of homelessness. Transitional housing programs provide access to supports and services to help individuals move towards stable housing solutions.
Alexander Muskoka Property – A form of Subsidized Market Rent (see the dark blue bar on the continuum graphic) located on 520 Isaac Street Gravenhurst. This new build will bring 100+ retirement suites to seniors in Muskoka. The District worked with the builder and committed funding for 12 of the units to be set at affordable rental rates. When we increase the supply of subsidized market rents, we lessen the strain put on existing social or community housing (which has a very long waitlist). In addition, by setting units at affordable rates, we create more attainable housing in our community.
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There is a housing crisis in Muskoka, and great things are happening in our communities and by the Muskoka Housing Task Force to help address it.
The Task Force has been coming together for just over two years to network, create partnerships, and discuss how to increase access to housing in Muskoka.
We’ve learned about existing and alternative housing models, discussed development processes, examined funding models, and identified key concepts to understanding housing in our communities.
Over the coming weeks, you will see more information and updates from the Task Force on the District’s social media platforms and shared by Task Force members.
Watch for posts on the District's social media channels tagged “Muskoka Housing Task Force 101” “Muskoka Housing Task Force – Did You Know?” and “Muskoka Housing Task Force – Make the Connection”. These posts will help you better understand housing needs in our communities, what is happening in Muskoka to support increased access to housing, and what you can do to help.
Stay Informed!
From this page, you can subscribe to receive Task Force updates and information right to your inbox! Just look for the big megaphone on the upper right-hand corner of your desktop monitor, or scroll down on a mobile device and enter your email address to subscribe.
Thank you for following along and connecting with us as we navigate opportunities to help increase housing for everyone.
Share RentSmart Certificate Program Now Available! on Facebook
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The RentSmart Certificate Course is being offered in partnership with the Muskoka Housing Task Force and Employment North. Through participating in the RentSmart Certificate Course, you will learn about:
- Finding suitable housing;
- Tenant rights and responsibilities;
- Landlord responsibilities and expectations;
- Maintenance do's and don'ts;
- Communicating effectively with landlords, roommates, and
neighbours; and
- Budgeting and planning for affordable housing.
At the completion of the course, you will receive a RentSmart Certificate which lets landlords know you are serious about being a responsible tenant.
To obtain your certificate, you must attend the full course which is 6 sessions, 2 hours per session.
The course runs from 10am-12pm on Tuesdays starting May 11 via the zoom platform. Course dates as follows: May 11, 18 & 25. June 1, 8 & 15.
Course facilitators are Jennifer Tournour, Employment North and Mike Romaine, District of Muskoka.
To register for the RentSmart Certificate Course please email Jennifer Tournour at The course is limited to 12 participants.
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The District is looking to better understand current market rental rates in Muskoka to help inform rental levels for affordable housing programs available through the District.
We have launched an online Market Rent Survey for landlords and tenants in Muskoka to help collect this information.
The Market Rent Survey is open until Friday, April 23, 2021, and is available at the following link:
Share The District Municipality of Muskoka is looking for partnership opportunities for the Rapid Housing Initiative made available through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) on Facebook
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Email The District Municipality of Muskoka is looking for partnership opportunities for the Rapid Housing Initiative made available through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) link
The Government of Canada, through CMHC, has launched the Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI). The RHI is a $1 billion program to help address the urgent housing needs of vulnerable Canadians, especially in the context of COVID-19, through the rapid construction of affordable housing.
The District would like to submit an eligible RHI project proposal to CMHC and is interested in partnering with an applicant who meets one or more of the following criteria:
- is a modular builder that can meet a rapid production timeline; or
- owns land on municipal services that is (currently) zoned multi-residential and may be interested in selling the property; or
- owns and may be interested in selling a building or structure that can be converted to a multi-residential project (i.e. commercial conversion to residential or uninhabitable residential property brought to property standards); or
- owns a motel or hotel and may be interested in selling the property; or
- has a shovel ready, multi-residential, modular development planned or in progress and may be interested in selling.
If you meet any of the above criteria and would like to seek a potential partnership opportunity with the District, our team would like to connect with you! Please send us an email briefly outlining your interest and qualifications by 4:00 pm on Friday, December 4th, 2020.
Email Contact: Danielle Morgan, Manager, Housing Development
For further details and program requirements regarding the RHI please visit the District’s website at:
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Welcome to the Muskoka Housing Task Force News Feed!
We are excited to launch this newsfeed to share information, stats and facts related to the housing landscape across Muskoka and the work being completed by the Muskoka Housing Task Force. We will also use this feed to help establish connections across our communities and work to create more opportunities for attainable housing throughout Muskoka. We want to keep you informed of what Muskoka is doing to ensure housing for everyone.
You can stay informed of Task Force updates by subscribing to this page (look for the big megaphone on the upper right-hand corner of your screen or scroll down on a mobile device).
Thank you for following along and connecting with us as we navigate opportunities to help increase housing for everyone in Muskoka.