Oak Outbreak Update March 21, 2024
The Oak Home Area remains in a Respiratory Outbreak with residents showing symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, hoarse voice, and/or fever. There are currently (2) two residents isolated with seven (7) residents affected. Family members of those residents affected have been notified. Testing through Public Health has determined the source of the infection as Human Coronavirus (a strain of the common cold).
The following infection control measures are to be implemented or continued at this time:
- Masks and eye protection to be worn in the Oak Home Area
- Residents are to remain in the unit at this time to reduce the risk of spread
- *If residents insist on leaving the unit, please assist them with masking or a visor and encourage outdoor visiting.
- Twice daily respiratory symptom screening on Oak
- Immediate isolation of any residents with new symptom onset
- Cohorting of staff, when possible.
- Cohorting of residents and only small group activities on the unit for unaffected residents. Isolated residents to receive one-to-one activities.
- Twice daily high-touch surface cleaning
- Increased hand hygiene and PPE audits on the unit.
- Limit of two (2) essential caregivers at a time
- No General Visiting to Oak home area
We will continue to provide updates as we move through the outbreak.
If you have any questions please contact John Iskander, IPAC Lead at ext. 4752