Palliative Care Committee Updates
Walk of Life: After a resident passes away, the team at the home participates in a walk of life for the resident as they leave the home. We have staff, family members, and residents participate if they would like. Please be aware that when you see our staff lining the hallways that this is something that is about to take place. If you do not want this for your loved one, you just need to communicate this with us at the time.
Memorial Boards: we now have memorial boards in each home area that the activities team keep up to date with the residents that have passed.
Items being removed after a resident passes: Please ensure that items are removed from your loved ones’ room within 24hrs after their passing. We recognize that at times that are extenuating circumstances, and we can assist with this if needed.
Quality Improvement: team continues to focus on areas for quality improvement related to palliative care, and end-of-life processes.