The Pines Resident & Family Portal

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Welcome to our information and sharing portal for The Pines Residents, their Family members, and Caregivers!

Please use the "Stay Informed" tool to get regular updates and to stay informed on important family news.


MAPLE - No Visitor restrictions current. General Visitors are allowed

BIRCH No Visitor restrictions current. General Visitors are allowed

CEDAR - No Visitor restrictions current. General Visitors are allowed

OAK - No Visitor restrictions currently. General Visitors are allowed

SPRUCE - No Visitor restrictions currently. General Visitors are allowed

Welcome to our information and sharing portal for The Pines Residents, their Family members, and Caregivers!

Please use the "Stay Informed" tool to get regular updates and to stay informed on important family news.


MAPLE - No Visitor restrictions current. General Visitors are allowed

BIRCH No Visitor restrictions current. General Visitors are allowed

CEDAR - No Visitor restrictions current. General Visitors are allowed

OAK - No Visitor restrictions currently. General Visitors are allowed

SPRUCE - No Visitor restrictions currently. General Visitors are allowed

  • Whistle-Blowing Protection Update

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    As of April 11, 2022, the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 continues the strong protection for whistle-blowers included in the (former) Long-Term Care Act. It expands these to apply to any disclosure by anyone to any person of the ministry and to a long-term care home's Residents' Council and Family Council, if. any.

    Please see the attached information sheet from the Ministry of Long-Term Care.

    Whistle-Blowing Fact Sheet From the Ministry of Long-Term Care

    The Home's policy has been updated with the requirements in the Act.

  • Volunteer Opportunities

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    On October 26th, 2022 The Pines will be having their Emergency Evacuation Drill and we are needing some volunteer help with this! Are you or anyone you know available to help us out? Is there a class out there that would be willing to come in for some experiences mean while helping us out with this mandatory drill? If so…please see the Administration team for more information on how you can help!

    We are also looking for more volunteers to come into our home to assist in a variety of ways…Do you play music or sing? Do you like to do puzzles or read aloud? How about playing bingo or going for walks? Visiting one-to-one? Laundry folding, dining room clean up/set up, a helper at a special event …! A lot of these volunteer opportunities can happen on your own schedule! Please reach out to the Administration team and we would be happy to get you enrolled!

    Volunteering…The Opportunities Are Endless!

  • The Pines Support Committee

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Who are they: They are a group of volunteers who come together to raise funds to help optimize the lives of the residents. They support Staff and Residents and recently they have purchased the following:

    • Adjustable Tables
    • Hi-Lo Beds
    • Omivista Mobii – Interactive Sensory Projector
    • Large TV screens
    • Lifts
    • And so much more…

    Will you Support the Pines Support Committee? A donation can be made either by cheque, cash or credit. Please just ask any of the PSC members for more information or see Elizabeth Nettinga or Kim Gibbs and we would be happy to assist!

  • Palliative Care Education

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Pallium Canada is offering LEAP Carers an online, self-learning course that provides carers with information and resources to help them provide care to their family or

    friends living with a serious illness.

    See attached Flyer:

    LEAP Carers Course Information

  • June Family Meeting Recording

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Thank you to all that were able to join on Tuesday evening. If you were unable to participate and are interested in seeing the recording, please click on the link below.

    Again, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions and we would be happy to help.

    Passcode: Zc25XCb+

  • Infection Control Measures continue At the Home Mask Mandate Continues

    Share Infection Control Measures continue At the Home Mask Mandate Continues on Facebook Share Infection Control Measures continue At the Home Mask Mandate Continues on Twitter Share Infection Control Measures continue At the Home Mask Mandate Continues on Linkedin Email Infection Control Measures continue At the Home Mask Mandate Continues link

    Update from the Ministry of Long Term Care, June 10, 2022:

    There are no changes in pandemic response requirements or measures for long-term care homes with this update as changes reflect the transition of authority from Directive #3 to the Minister’s Directive.

    • Homes must ensure that all staff, students, volunteers, and visitors (general or essential) wear a medical mask for the entire duration of their shift or visit indoors regardless of their immunization status (including in the resident’s room). These requirements also apply regardless of whether the home is in an outbreak or not.

    • Masks are not required outdoors for staff, residents, students, volunteers or visitors (general or essential), however outdoor masking is still recommended and encouraged where tolerated as an added layer of protection when in close proximity to others.

    • Removal of masks for the purposes of eating should be restricted to areas designated by the home.

  • May Recording of Family Zoom Meeting

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    Thank you to all who attended the meeting last evening. If you missed it and you would like to view the recording, please click on the link below.

    Again, please don't hesitate to reach out to the home if you have any questions.

  • Resumption of Hearing Aid Clinics

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    We will be resuming the hearing aid cleaning clinics offered free of charge by Hearing Life (formerly Kimberley Hearing Centre). The cleaning will be held off-site, starting May 13/22, and will be monthly moving forward (provided we are not in an outbreak status). The resident hearing aids will be collected in the morning and taken to the Clinic in individually labeled envelopes. The hearing aids can be expected to be gone for a few hours and will be returned after lunch. I know this will cause some inconvenience for some as they will not have their device, however, the benefits of the cleaning should outweigh this. If a resident declines to have his or her aid taken for cleaning, then they will be bypassed and we will try again at the next clinic.

    If you would like your loved one to be added to the clinic. Please contact Jennifer Carriere, ADOC at

  • New Physiotherapist for the Home

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    LifeMark is pleased to announce that Nadeem Mohammed, Registered Physiotherapist has accepted the position at The Pines. Nadeem will be taking over for Chirag Metha. We wish Chirag well in his new position and relocation to Barrie.

    Nadeem plans to be on-site two days a week at The Pines (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Chirag will be available to offer any assistance during Nadeem's first couple of weeks in his new position at your facility.

    Nadeem is no stranger to the Pines and we are happy to welcome him back. He can be found on the second floor in the physio room or by contacting the home by phone and asking to speak with him.

    Please join us in welcoming back Nadeem to The Pines Team!

  • COVID-19 Cases Continue to be High in Simcoe-Muskoka

    Share COVID-19 Cases Continue to be High in Simcoe-Muskoka on Facebook Share COVID-19 Cases Continue to be High in Simcoe-Muskoka on Twitter Share COVID-19 Cases Continue to be High in Simcoe-Muskoka on Linkedin Email COVID-19 Cases Continue to be High in Simcoe-Muskoka link

    The home continues to work with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health unit related to ongoing staff and resident cases of COVID-19. The home will continue to send updates as they are available and speak directly with family members of those residents affected. The guidelines continue to be adjusted as the Province continues to lift restrictions and make changes with the 6th wave of the pandemic.

Page last updated: 06 Sep 2024, 02:29 PM